Read only template that contains instructions on how to create the container.
The template is called a Dockerfile.
Usually based upon other images.
You can create your own images or use an image created by someone else / published in a registry
- Registry being something like Docker hub, GCP, AWS, Azure etc
Dockerfile Example:
FROM node:12.18.4-alpine # Install Alpine (version of Linux) with Node V12.18.4
WORKDIR /usr/src/app # Create directory
COPY package*.json ./ # Copy files over
COPY ./src ./src # Copy files over
RUN npm install && npm run build # Install dependencies and build
CMD npm run start # Run the app
The running instance of an image which is the result of running the image via Docker.
- Once created from an image with any configuration options, it can’t be updated
- When we delete a container, it is gone forever
We can create, start, stop or delete a container using the Docker CLI.
Images are recipes, containers are cakes
What's inside a container?
docker run -it busybox
docker ps -a